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- Spellchecking
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User's Guide
Fedimeister uses Hunspell as its spellchecking engine. The software comes bundled with its own version of the library, but without any dictionaries.
If your system comes with either Hunspell or Open Office already installed, Fedimeister will automatically detect and uses the dictionaries of those software packages. Otherwise you need to manually download and place the dictionary files of your desired language in the 🖿dict/ directory.
A dictionary always consists of two files, one containing word stems, the other affixes, both are named by iso language and country code. For example, german speaking swiss users would need 🗋 de_CH.dic and 🗋 de_CH.aff .
In some cases, it may be desirable to use a different version of the hunspell library, or a different set of dictionaries. The default location, in which Fedimeister looks for them can be specified by the hunspell.native and hunspell.dictionaries system property respectively:
java -Dhunspell.libary="/tmp/libhunspell.so" -Dhunspell.dictionaries="/tmp/dict" -jar fedimeister.jar
To test, if library and dictionaries are correctly installed and detected by Fedimeister, you use the --sc-diag command line tool.
java-jar fedimeister.jar helo world
The output should look similar to
Native library:
System language:
Dictionary path:
[*] en_US
[ ] de_CH
[ ] en_ZA
[ ] de_AT
[ ] en_AU
[ ] de_LU
[ ] de_DE
[ ] en_CA
[ ] en_GB
Dictionary encoding:
Spellchecking test:
[-] helo
hole, help, helot, hello, halo, hero, hell, held, helm, he lo, he-lo
[+] world
Fedimeister requires a patched version of the Hunspell library. Compile it according to the following instructions:
tar -zxf hunspell-1.7.2.tar.gz
cd hunspell-1.7.2
patch -p1 < ../hunspelljavabindings.patch
./configure CXXFLAGS="-I$JAVA_HOME/include -I$JAVA_HOME/include/linux"